Campus Wernigerode

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Our services

Logo of University HarzYour University

Since its founding in 1991 with 77 students, the up-and-coming locations in Wernigerode and Halberstadt have developed rapidly. Innovative, practice-oriented degree programs in the fields of automation and computer science, business administration and economics nowadays attract to Harz more than 3,300 aspiring academics from all provinces. The campus Wernigerode is nestled in a beautiful park.
[You can find more information directly on the website of the Harz University]

Logo of WernigerodeYour Town

The town of Wernigerode, located on the north side of the Harz, has gained considerable supraregional importance over the last 20 years. Half-timbered buildings and cosy streets typical of the Harz add a distinct touch to the image of the colorful town in the Harz region, which is now a popular excursion and vacationing destination. The castle erected in the 12th century is one of the most distinctive local attractions visible from afar.
[You can find more information at]

Current menu – Canteen Wernigerode

Dienstag / Tuesday, 01.04.2025
Gersten-Pfanne mit mediterranem Gemüse und Kräutern
with tomato chilli dip
(2,00 | 3,80 | 5,20)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
(7) (a3)
Save the meal: Currywurst-Pfanne mit Pommes Frites und Rotkrautsalat
Save the meal: curry sausage pan with French fries and red cabbage salad
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol RindSymbol Schwein
(1) (2) (3) (8) (a1) (f) (g) (i) (j)
Big Rib-Burger dazu Kartoffelspalten und Buttermilch-Ranch-Dip
Big Rib Burgers additional potato wedges and buttermilk ranch dip
(3,90 | 5,60 | 7,00)
Symbol Schwein
(1) (2) (9) (a1) (c) (f) (g) (i) (j)
Save the meal: Ungarische Gulaschsuppe vom Rind dazu ein Weizenbrötchen
Save the meal: hungarian beef goulash soup with a wheat roll
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol Rind
(2) (a1)
Save the meal: Rinderhacksteak mit Frischkäsefüllung dazu Thymiansauce sowie Beilagensalat und Pommes Frites
Save the meal: Minced beef steak with cream cheese filling served with thyme sauce and side salad and French fries
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol Rind
(3) (5) (a1) (c) (g) (l)
Gyros-Reispfanne mit Paprika, Weißkohl und grünen Bohnen dazu Tzatziki
gyros rice pan with peppers, white cabbage and green beans served with tzatziki
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol Schwein
Pastabuffet: Farfalle alla Cipolla mit Hähnchenhack in Zwiebel-Sahnesauce
pasta buffet: farfalle alla Cipolla with chicken breast strips in onion cream sauce
(0,50 | 0,80 | 1,10)
Symbol Geflügel
(a1) (g)
Pastabuffet: Farfalle mit Grünkern-Gemüsebolognese
pasta buffet: farfalle with green spelt vegetable bolognese
(0,50 | 0,80 | 1,10)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
(a1) (a5) (i)
Preisstaffel: Studenten | Bedienstete | Gäste / price scale: students | staff | guests
Zusatzstoffe: mit Farbstoff (1), mit Konservierungsstoff (2), mit Antioxidationsmittel (3), mit Geschmacksverstärker (4), geschwefelt (5), gewachst (6), geschwärzt (7), mit Phosphat (8), mit Süßungsmitteln (9), enthält eine Phenylalaninquelle (10)
Additives: with food colouring (1), with food preservatives (2), with anti-oxidants (3), with flavor enhancer (4), sulfurized (5), waxed (6), blackend (7), with phosphates (8), with sweetener (9), contains phenylalanine (10)
Allergene: enthält Gluten: Weizen (a1), Roggen (a2), Gerste (a3), Hafer (a4), Dinkel (a5), Kamut (a6), enthält Krebstiere (b), enthält Ei (c), enthält Fisch (d), enthält Erdnüsse (e), enthält Soja (f), enthält Milch/Milchzucker (g), enthält Schalenfrüchte/Nüsse: Mandeln (h1), Haselnüsse (h2), Walnüsse (h3), Cashewnüsse (h4), Pecannüsse (h5), Paranüsse (h6), enthält Sellerie (i), enthält Senf (j), enthält Sesam (k), enthält Sulfit/Schwefeldioxid (l), enthält Lupine (m), Weichtiere (n)
Allergenic: contains cereals containing gluten: wheat (a1), rye (a2), barley (a3), oats (a4), spelt (a5), kamut (a6), contains crustaceans (b), containing eggs (c), contains fish (d), contains penuts (e), contains soy/soya (f), contains milk/lactose (g), contains nuts: almonds (h1), hazelnuts (h2), walnuts (h3), cashews (h4), pecan nuts (h5), brazil nuts (h6), pistachios (h7), macadamia nuts (h8), queensland nuts (h9), contains celery (i), contains mustard (j), contains sesame (k), contains sulphite/sulphur dioxide (l), contains lupin (m), contains molluscs (n)
Sonstige Zusatzinformationen: enthält Gelatine (P), echtes Karmin (Q), Rindercollagen (R), Schafssaitling (S), tierisches Lab (T)
Other additional information: contains gelatine (P), cochineal (Q), bovine collagen (R), sheep casing (S), animal rennet (T)
Die als Bio ausgelobten Speisekomponenten und -zutaten sind zertifiziert durch Grünstempel DE-ÖKO-021.
The food components and ingredients advertised as organic are certified by Grünstempel DE-ÖKO-021.
Save the meal: Verkauf einer begrenzten Portionen-Anzahl zur Abfall-Vermeidung.
Save the meal: sale of a limited number of portions to avoid waste.