Scholarship-Talk for Students on May 29

Am I eligible for a scholarship? Which one should I apply for? And what are the application deadlines? Answers to all these questions will be provided at the digital scholarship talk for students on May 29.

What: online scholarship talk
When: 29.05.2024 | 5-6 pm (in English)
Where: You can participate online via Zoom (no pre-registration necessary): 
At the digital information event, contact persons from Studentenwerk Magdeburg, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and will show how diverse scholarships are and who to contact if you have any questions about the application process. The scholarship talk will be held in English for international students.


5 pm: Overview Scholarships at your University/Germany Scholarship, taking the OVGU as an example (Katrin Burgmann, contact person Germany Scholarship at OVGU)
5.10 pm: Further financing possibilities for students (Jennifer Beder, social counselling Studentenwerk Magdeburg)
5.20 pm: Scholarship programs and further counselling options (Daniela Keil, Coordination and Scholarship Recruitment for the Eastern Part of Germany,
5.50 pm: Questions

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