Speiseplan Mensa Kellercafé Zschokkestraße:

Dienstag / Tuesday, 01.04.2025
Loaded Fries Mexican Style - Pommes frites, Chili sin carne aus BIO-Sonnenblumenhack, Guacamole, Koriander-Aioli
Plant-based steak optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
(2) (3) (a4) (f) (j)
Loaded Fries Georgia Style - Pommes frites, Pulled Turkey, Cola-Barbecuesauce, Farmersalat
fried chicken breast optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,70 | 5,40 | 6,80)
Symbol GeflügelSymbol Knoblauch
(9) (a1) (c) (f) (i)
2 Seelachsfilet im Backmantel mit Bärlauch-Remoulade , Leipziger Allerlei und Bratkartoffeln
2 saithe filets in a baked coat served with wild garlic remoulade , Leipzig mixed vegetables and fried potatoes
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol Fisch
(3) (5) (9) (a1) (a4) (d) (g) (j) (l)
BIO-Vollkorn-Fusilli mit Grünkern-Gemüsebolognese und veganem Käseersatz
Organic wholemeal fusilli with green spelt vegetable bolognese and vegan cheese substitute
(2,00 | 3,80 | 5,20)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
(1) (a1) (a5) (i)
Sudenburger Currywurst mit Pommes Frites und Rotkrautsalat
Sudenburger Currywurst with French fries and red cabbage salad
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol RindSymbol Schwein
(1) (2) (3) (8) (9)
Mittwoch / Wednesday, 02.04.2025
Loaded Fries Mexican Style - Pommes frites, Chili sin carne aus BIO-Sonnenblumenhack, Guacamole, Koriander-Aioli
Plant-based steak optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
(2) (3) (a4) (f) (j)
Loaded Fries Georgia Style - Pommes frites, Pulled Turkey, Cola-Barbecuesauce, Farmersalat
fried chicken breast optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,70 | 5,40 | 6,80)
Symbol GeflügelSymbol Knoblauch
(9) (a1) (c) (f) (i)
Bergfest-Burger: Falafel-Burger mit Red Coleslaw, Currycrème und Rucola dazu Pommes Frites und Sesam-Erdnussdip
served with french fries
(4,30 | 6,00 | 7,40)
Symbol vegan
(1) (a1) (a3) (e) (f) (j) (k)
Wurstragout mit Gewürzgurkenstreifen dazu BIO-Vollkorn-Fusilli
sausage ragout with organic wholemeal fusilli
(2,00 | 3,80 | 5,20)
Symbol Schwein
(2) (3) (8) (9) (a1)
Sudenburger Currywurst mit Pommes Frites und Rotkrautsalat
Sudenburger Currywurst with French fries and red cabbage salad
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol RindSymbol Schwein
(1) (2) (3) (8) (9)
Donnerstag / Thursday, 03.04.2025
Loaded Fries Mexican Style - Pommes frites, Chili sin carne aus BIO-Sonnenblumenhack, Guacamole, Koriander-Aioli
Plant-based steak optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
(2) (3) (a4) (f) (j)
Loaded Fries Georgia Style - Pommes frites, Pulled Turkey, Cola-Barbecuesauce, Farmersalat
fried chicken breast optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,70 | 5,40 | 6,80)
Symbol GeflügelSymbol Knoblauch
(9) (a1) (c) (f) (i)
Geröstete Sesam-Karotten mit Aprikosenchutney und Linsen-Zucchini-Tabouleh
roasted sesame carrots with apricot chutney and lentil-zucchini tabouleh
(3,70 | 5,40 | 6,80)
Symbol vegan
(2) (3) (5) (k) (l)
Käsetortellini mit Waldpilzsauce
cheese tortellini with wild mushroom sauce
(2,00 | 3,80 | 5,20)
Symbol vegetarisch
(2) (a1) (c) (g)
Sudenburger Currywurst mit Pommes Frites und Rotkrautsalat
Sudenburger Currywurst with French fries and red cabbage salad
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol RindSymbol Schwein
(1) (2) (3) (8) (9)
Freitag / Friday, 04.04.2025
Loaded Fries Mexican Style - Pommes frites, Chili sin carne aus BIO-Sonnenblumenhack, Guacamole, Koriander-Aioli
Plant-based steak optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
(2) (3) (a4) (f) (j)
Loaded Fries Georgia Style - Pommes frites, Pulled Turkey, Cola-Barbecuesauce, Farmersalat
fried chicken breast optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,70 | 5,40 | 6,80)
Symbol GeflügelSymbol Knoblauch
(9) (a1) (c) (f) (i)
Tex-Mex-Pizza mit Rinderhackfleisch, Gemüse-Chili, Guacamole und Koriander
Ham cracker with green cabbage and boiled potatoes
(4,40 | 6,10 | 7,50)
Symbol Rind
(2) (3) (a1) (g)
Asiatische Gemüsepfanne mit Tofu und BIO-Langkornreis
Asian pan-fried vegetables with tofu and rice
(2,00 | 3,80 | 5,20)
Symbol vegan
(2) (f)
Sudenburger Currywurst mit Pommes Frites und Rotkrautsalat
Sudenburger Currywurst with French fries and red cabbage salad
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol RindSymbol Schwein
(1) (2) (3) (8) (9)
Montag / Monday, 07.04.2025
Loaded Fries Toscana Style - Pommes frites, plantbased Meatballs, Tomatensugo, Basilikumpesto
Plant-based steak optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol vegan
Loaded Fries Shawarma Style - Pommes frites, Hähnchen-Kebab, Auberginen-Sesamsauce, Gemüse-Tabouleh
fried chicken breast optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol GeflügelSymbol Knoblauch
(g) (k)
Geflügel-Hackbällchen dazu Tomaten-Basilikumsauce , Brokkoli und Gabelspaghetti
chicken meatballs additional tomato-basil sauce , broccoli and fork spaghetti
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol Geflügel
(a1) (c) (g)
Serbische Bohnen-Reispfanne dazu Ajvardip
Serbian bean and rice pan served with Ajvardip
(2,00 | 3,80 | 5,20)
Symbol KnoblauchSymbol vegan
Sudenburger Currywurst mit Pommes Frites und Weißkrautsalat
Sudenburger Currywurst with French fries and white cabbage salad
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol RindSymbol Schwein
(1) (2) (3) (8) (9)
Dienstag / Tuesday, 08.04.2025
Loaded Fries Toscana Style - Pommes frites, plantbased Meatballs, Tomatensugo, Basilikumpesto
Plant-based steak optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol vegan
Loaded Fries Shawarma Style - Pommes frites, Hähnchen-Kebab, Auberginen-Sesamsauce, Gemüse-Tabouleh
fried chicken breast optionally with colourful vegetable chilli or wild mushroom sauce served with french fries and marinated leaf salads
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol GeflügelSymbol Knoblauch
(g) (k)
lentil stew
(2,00 | 3,80 | 5,20)
Symbol vegan
Gebratene Hähnchenbrust im Cornflakes-Knuspermantel mit Curry-Kokossauce , Pfannengemüse und Langkornreis
Fried chicken breast in a cornflake crispy coating mit curry-coconut sauce , pan-fried vegetables and long grain rice
(3,20 | 4,90 | 6,45)
Symbol Geflügel
(a1) (g)
Sudenburger Currywurst mit Pommes Frites und Weißkrautsalat
Sudenburger Currywurst with French fries and white cabbage salad
(3,40 | 5,10 | 6,50)
Symbol RindSymbol Schwein
(1) (2) (3) (8) (9)
Preisstaffel: Studenten | Bedienstete | Gäste / price scale: students | staff | guests
Zusatzstoffe: mit Farbstoff (1), mit Konservierungsstoff (2), mit Antioxidationsmittel (3), mit Geschmacksverstärker (4), geschwefelt (5), gewachst (6), geschwärzt (7), mit Phosphat (8), mit Süßungsmitteln (9), enthält eine Phenylalaninquelle (10)
Additives: with food colouring (1), with food preservatives (2), with anti-oxidants (3), with flavor enhancer (4), sulfurized (5), waxed (6), blackend (7), with phosphates (8), with sweetener (9), contains phenylalanine (10)
Allergene: enthält Gluten: Weizen (a1), Roggen (a2), Gerste (a3), Hafer (a4), Dinkel (a5), Kamut (a6), enthält Krebstiere (b), enthält Ei (c), enthält Fisch (d), enthält Erdnüsse (e), enthält Soja (f), enthält Milch/Milchzucker (g), enthält Schalenfrüchte/Nüsse: Mandeln (h1), Haselnüsse (h2), Walnüsse (h3), Cashewnüsse (h4), Pecannüsse (h5), Paranüsse (h6), enthält Sellerie (i), enthält Senf (j), enthält Sesam (k), enthält Sulfit/Schwefeldioxid (l), enthält Lupine (m), Weichtiere (n)
Allergenic: contains cereals containing gluten: wheat (a1), rye (a2), barley (a3), oats (a4), spelt (a5), kamut (a6), contains crustaceans (b), containing eggs (c), contains fish (d), contains penuts (e), contains soy/soya (f), contains milk/lactose (g), contains nuts: almonds (h1), hazelnuts (h2), walnuts (h3), cashews (h4), pecan nuts (h5), brazil nuts (h6), pistachios (h7), macadamia nuts (h8), queensland nuts (h9), contains celery (i), contains mustard (j), contains sesame (k), contains sulphite/sulphur dioxide (l), contains lupin (m), contains molluscs (n)
Sonstige Zusatzinformationen: enthält Gelatine (P), echtes Karmin (Q), Rindercollagen (R), Schafssaitling (S), tierisches Lab (T)
Other additional information: contains gelatine (P), cochineal (Q), bovine collagen (R), sheep casing (S), animal rennet (T)
Die als Bio ausgelobten Speisekomponenten und -zutaten sind zertifiziert durch Grünstempel DE-ÖKO-021.
The food components and ingredients advertised as organic are certified by Grünstempel DE-ÖKO-021.
Save the meal: Verkauf einer begrenzten Portionen-Anzahl zur Abfall-Vermeidung.
Save the meal: sale of a limited number of portions to avoid waste.