Our canteens & cafeterias

On the following pages you can find out more about the offers in our canteens and cafeterias!

Mensa UniCampus Magdeburg exterior view

Mensa UniCampus Magdeburg

Directly on the OVGU campus opposite the library and university computer center. Breakfast, lunch and snacks. Menu lower hall⇢ Menu upper hall⇢

During the lecture period
Dining room downstairs
Mon. – Fri.: 10:45 – 14:00
Dining room upstairsMon. – Fri.: 10:45 – 14:00 & 16:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Café Latte in the foyerMon. – Fri.: 07:30 – 19:00
Outside lecture time
Dining room downstairsMon. – Fri.: 10:45 – 14:00
Dining room upstairsMon. – Fri.: 10:45 – 14:00, issue closed
Café Latte in the foyerMon. – Fri.: 07:30 – 19:00
Kellercafé in the building 40

Mensa Kellercafé Magdeburg

In teaching building 40 on the campus in Zschokkestraße. Breakfast, lunch and snacks. To the menu⇢

During the lecture and examination period
open:Mon. – Fri.: 08:00 – 15:00
Lunch:Mon. – Fri.: 10:45 – 14:00
Outside the lecture and examination period


Cafeteria PIER 16 Magdeburg

Cafeteria in building 16 on the main campus of OVGU. Breakfast, coffee specialties, cakes, soft drinks and more. To the menu⇢

During the lecture and examination period
 Mon. – Fri.: 07:30 – 15:00
Outside the lecture and examination period
 Mon. – Fri.: 07:30 – 15:00

Mensa Herrenkrug Magdeburg

Canteen and café with terrace in Herrenkrug – in the middle of the green campus on Breitscheidstraße. Breakfast, lunch and snacks. To the menu⇢

During the lecture and examination period
 Mon. – Thu.: 08:00 – 14:15
Fri: 08:00 – 14:00
Outside the lecture and examination period
 Mon. – Fri.: 11:00 – 13:30

Mensa Stendal

On the campus on Osterburger Straße, the canteen and the integrated café with 80 seats invite you to linger. Breakfast, lunch and snacks. To the current menu⇢

During the lecture and examination period
Dining roomMon. – Fri.: 11:15 – 14:15
Sat: 12:00 – 13:30
Café StendalMon. – Fri.: 09:30 – 14:15
Sale of snacks via the canteen
Outside the lecture and examination period
Dining roomClosed
Café StendalClosed

Mensa DomCafete Halberstadt

On the grounds of the Harz University of Applied Sciences – close to the city center directly on Domplatz. Breakfast, lunch, coffee specialties, cakes, ice cream and drinks. To the current menu⇢

During the lecture and examination period:
open:Mon. – Thurs.: 07:45 – 13:45
Fri.: 07:45 – 13:30
Lunch:Mon. – Thurs.: 11:15 – 13:45
Fri.: 11:15 – 13:30
Outside the lecture and examination period:

Mensa Wernigerode

Directly on the university’s Friedrichstrasse campus. From the dining room, the guest has a beautiful view of the park and the Brockenbahn. Extensive breakfast offer, lunch and snacks. To the current menu⇢

During the lecture period
Dining roomMon. – Thurs.: 11:00 – 14:00
Fri.: 11:00 – 13:30
Café au lait WernigerodeMon. – Fri.: 07:30 – 13:00
Outside lecture time
Dining roomMon. – Fri.: 11:00 – 13:30 (food served in the cafeteria “Café au lait”)
Café au lait WernigerodeMon. – Fri.: 07:30 – 11:00, followed by lunch service

blub in house 3 Wernigerode

Since August 1, the former “Kaffeeklappe” in House 3 at the Harz University of Applied Sciences has reopened for you under the name “blub”. and offers you hot and cold drinks as well as small snacks! To the current menu⇢

During the lecture period
blub main buildingfollow
Outside lecture time
blub main building11.07. – 19.07.: 07:45 – 13:00 Uhr
22.07. – 11.09.: 08:30 – 13:30 Uhr

Mensa Stendal am 5. April geschlossen

Mensa Stendal am 5. April geschlossen(Mensen & Cafeterien, 18. March 2025) Auf Grund des Semesterstarts wird die Mensa in Stendal leider am 5. April nicht geöffnet sein. Wir danken für euer Verständnis! Foto: Studentenwerk Magdeburg

Winterliche Aktionswoche startet

Winterliche Aktionswoche startet(Mensen & Cafeterien, 10. February 2025) Am 10. Februar beginnt in die Aktionswoche “Kraut & Rüben” in unseren Magdeburger Mensen (außer Kellercafé), Wernigerode und Stendal. Freut euch auf: – Mo., 10. Februar Gebackene Ofen-Rüben mit Orangen-Ingwersauce, Rahmwirsing und Schupfnudeln(vegan, 3,20 € / 4,90 € / 6,45 €) – Di., 11. Februar Putengulasch Szegediner Art mit Sauerkraut, … Continue reading

Mensa in der Zschokkestraße öffnet bis 14 Uhr

Mensa in der Zschokkestraße öffnet bis 14 Uhr(Mensen & Cafeterien, 7. January 2025) Liebe Studierenden, liebe Mitarbeitenden, leider haben wir immer noch zahlreiche Krankmeldungen, sodass das Kellercafé diese Woche nur bis 14 Uhr geöffnet hat. Danke für euer Verständnis! — Dear students and staff members, due to illness, the Kellercafé is only open until 2pm this week. Thank you for your understanding! Foto: … Continue reading

Vegan ins neue Jahr starten

Vegan ins neue Jahr starten(Mensen & Cafeterien, 7. January 2025) Vom 13. bis zum 17. Januar gibt es in unseren Mensen viele leckere, pflanzliche Gerichte in unserer Veganuary-Aktionswoche. Freut euch auf: Mo, 13.1.: Süßkartoffel-Gemüse-Chili mit Koriander, Chiasamen und Avocadodip Di, 14.1.: Plant-based Steak dazu mediterranes Bohnen-Tomaten-Olivenragout und Bratkartoffeln Mi, 15.1.: Lasagne von winterlichem Gemüse mit BIO-Sonnenblumenhack dazu bunter Sellerie-Birnen-Walnuss-Salat Do, … Continue reading