Our dormitories in Magdeburg

The “Ottostadt” is an internationally recognized location for science and research and attracts up to 18,000 students to university and university of applied science every year. The Studentenwerk Magdeburg offers accommodation in 12 dormitories with a capacity of approx. 1,400 rooms on 3 different campuses in Magdeburg.

The housing situation for our students has gradually improved in recent years. All dormitories have been fundamentally renovated, the premises adapted to the needs. The outdoor areas attract students to socialize and meet friends. Car or bicycle always find a place.

All dormitories have an internet connection and the additional costs for e.g. heating, water, electricity, garbage disposal as well as internet and cable TV are already included in the rent. We know that every student wants to design his or her living space individually, therefore we offer different variations of apartments.

… on the Campus of Otto von Guericke University

➔ Dorm 1

Hohepfortestr. 40, 39106 Magdeburg
124 seats in 1-room and 2-room apartments and 2-room apartments and 1 apartment for persons with disabilities. Fully furnished and equipped with internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 2

J.-G.-Nathusius-Ring 1, 39106 Magdeburg
94 seats in 1-room apartments, 2-room apartments and 2-room apartments. Fully furnished and equipped with internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 3

J.-G.-Nathusius-Ring 2, 39106 Magdeburg
94 seats in 1-room apartments, 2-room apartments and 2-room apartments. Fully furnished and equipped with internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 4

Hohepfortestraße 38, 39106 Magdeburg
100 seats in 1-room apartments and 2-room apartments. Partly furnished, partly unfurnished, all with internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 5

J.-G.-Nathusius-Ring 8, 39106 Magdeburg
99 seats in 1-room apartments and 2-room apartments. Partly furnished, partly unfurnished, all with internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 6

J.-G.-Nathusius-Ring 7, 39106 Magdeburg
102 seats in 1-room apartments and 2-room apartments. Unfurnished and with Internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 7

J.-G.-Nathusius-Ring 5, 39106 Magdeburg
108 seats in 1-room apartments, 1-bed rooms and 2-room apartments. Partly furnished, partly unfurnished, all with internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 9

Walther-Rathenau-Str. 19, 39106 Magdeburg
290 seats in one-room apartments. Fully furnished and equipped with internet and cable TV connection.

… on the Zschokkestraße campus – (Empirical Social and Higher Education Research)

➔ Dorm 10a

Walther-Rathenau-Str. 55, 39104 Magdeburg
100 seats in 2- and 3-room-WG’s. Partly furnished, partly unfurnished, all with internet and cable TV connection.

➔ Dorm 10b

Walther-Rathenau-Str. 56, 39104 Magdeburg
100 seats in 2- and 3-room-WG’s. Partly furnished, partly unfurnished, all with internet and cable TV connection.

… on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine

➔ Dorm Fermersleber Weg 23

Fermersleber Weg 23, 39112 Magdeburg
108 seats in 1-room and 2-room apartments and 2-room apartments. Partly furnished, partly unfurnished, all with internet and cable TV connection.

… on the Campus Herrenkrug – University of Applied Sciences

➔ Breitscheidstraße dormitory

Breitscheidstraße 40-46, 39114 Magdeburg
99 seats in 1-room apartments and 2-room apartments and 1 apartment for persons with disabilities. Partly furnished, partly unfurnished, all with internet and cable TV connection.