Painting & Graphics

“Art washes the dust of everyday life from the soul”

The workshop leader gives instructions and information on painting techniques with pencil, charcoal, gouache, acrylic, pastel crayon as well as tips on making linocut prints. The focus is on supporting your own projects and creativity. Together we will also deal with natural studies.

The MensaGallery of the Magdeburg Student Union in the Mensa UniCampus is available for an exhibition of student works. All materials are provided, just bring your ideas and imagination!


Ladder Dorothea Hertel
Place Dorm 3, J.-G.-Nathusius-Ring 2, basement, Creative CircleCenter, side entrance
Fee €20.00; payable when registering with a valid student ID
Participants maximum 10 people, suitable for beginners and advanced
Registration Here directly online as well as at the infopoints Mensa Herrenkrug and Mensa UniCampus during opening hours.