Your contact for all financial questions concerning your studies!

Graphic BAföG Studies Money

Hardly any student has a regular income, since the study stands in the forefront. One of the most pressing issues for students is how to ensure the upkeep of their training. Students usually live on

  • child benefits,
  • financial aid of the parents (assistance to the student),
  • government education grants (BAföG),
  • scholarships,
  • student loans or
  • income from minor employment.

The Studentenwerk Magdeburg’s Office for Educational Support is the contact for all financial questions concerning studies. Of particular importance are education grants under BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act). One half of this grant is given as a government subsidy and the other half is given as an interest-free loan that can be repaid under very favourable terms.

If there is no or only partial entitlement to BAföG you may face financial emergencies and cases of exceptional hardship. In these cases, students have several options to get support from both public and private sources. Even if you apply for these various financing instruments, we will do our utmost to assist you.

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